How To Hear From God in a Dry Season

Ever have a season where you weren’t hearing God speak? It could be that you heard Him more clearly when you first came to know God, but that was years ago. Or maybe your quiet times have become stale…or formulaic...or even nonexistent? Maybe you’re in one of those seasons right now.

I found myself in one of those seasons recently. Coming off a spiritual high after a silent retreat, summer started and rhythms shifted. All good things – family times, vacation, late nights, and later mornings. But good things that shifted my focus away from deep times of being with God. Sermons and podcasts were still speaking God’s truth to me, but I missed having daily times where He poked and prompted me with a fresh Word just for me. So what did I do?

Get honest with God

This is always a good place to start with any relationship and I couldn’t fake it with the One who knows everything about me. I pulled out my journal and told Him that I missed His voice. I could hear Him speaking to others and their words were inspiring, but I wanted my direct line back. I confessed to God that I had let other things become more important than time with Him. It was only a matter of minutes before I heard God inspire me with several ways to hear a fresh message:

One passage that prompted me to try some new methods was in the first chapter of Psalms. By digging into this verse and journaling, I realized if we are not planted and fed beside water, we will not grow. Sometimes, the watering is up to me.

These are some ways He has reignited my fire for quiet times and the Word and I hope that by sharing these, you too will feel refreshed and reignited with God. If you want to go a little deeper with these thoughts, I am speaking more on the subject at Bright City Church this Sunday. You can listen to the podcast here once it's posted next week.

"He is like a tree planted by streams of water,
which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither"
Psalm 1:3


You Don’t Have To Make It, You Just Have To Make It Happen


Sleepless Nights